
AND Elevenses: ethical product management

26 November 2020 • 2 min read

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With an increasing spotlight on the way technology impacts our lives - whether good or bad - there is a key question we all need to ask: how do we ensure products balance both commercial outcomes with the wellbeing needs and ethical concerns of users?


In this episode of our Elevenses series, Product Analyst Richard Boyd will look more closely at this question. Over the course of 45 minutes, Richard will propose a series of principles that companies can use to guide their decision-making in order to build products with a greater ethical awareness.


This session will cover:


  • Technology has an ethics problem: but how did we get here?
  • What does this mean for product managers?
  • Practical steps to be more ethical in product management.


About AND Elevenses


In our collective new normal of working from home, we’ve noticed ourselves just how easy it is to lose track of time and find yourself working without sufficient breaks. Without these, we all know how fast productivity, focus and wellbeing can dwindle.

So, to help break up your day, we’ve launched AND Elevenses: snappy, 45-minute live webinar sessions where you can learn new skills, network with others and take some time out from your working day.

If you've missed an event, don't worry. You can watch recordings here from each Elevenses session we run.


About Richard


An expat Kiwi, Richard Boyd is passionate about building products that delight both users and CFO's - hitting the sweet spot between customer need and commercial outcome. A key member of AND's Product Community of Practice, Richard has helped clients, including British Airways and Lloyds Banking Group, embed product thinking and management more deeply across their digital capabilities

Richard's career prior to AND cut across retail, telco, and not for profit's - which provided him with the opportunity to drive better revenues as well as generating funds for children in need. It is this experience particularly that positions Richard well to articulate the challenges facing organisations when building products in an ethical way.




11.00: Join online event and introduction

11.10: AND Elevenses

11.30: Q&A

11.45: Close


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