AI & tools

The effective use of artificial intelligence (AI) is key to being competitive and future-ready. We’ll help you enhance your productivity and accelerate innovation through the use of AI to automate tasks, speed up product development, and unlock insights from your data.


What is AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool. For your organization the possibilities are endless. AI can transform raw data into meaningful insights, automate mundane tasks, and help you implement truly innovative approaches to organizational challenges. By effectively implementing AI tools within your business, you can solve problems that may have been previously unattainable, at pace. In addition, you can also realise increased productivity in your product development processes - adding velocity to your feature and product releases, and delivering new experiences for your customers.

The problems we solve

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AI use case development

Apply rigorous design thinking and rapid ideation to build a set of prioritised use cases for AI. This is done in the context of your organizational ambitions, so you can be sure that they’ll deliver value for your business.

AI prototyping & proofs of concept

Develop preliminary models that validate the effectiveness of AI for your organization. This will help you to showcase core functionality, refine your ideas, and secure stakeholder buy-in. Allowing you to develop and implement AI with confidence.

Machine learning

Develop machine learning (AI/ML) models that can analyse your data at scale and pace. This will enable you to implement the predictive modelling and pattern recognition that delivers truly data-driven decision making, driving organizational growth.

Coding assistance

Implement the AI tools you need to equip your developers and engineers for success. Empowering them to accelerate your software development life cycle (SDLC) through AI-driven code suggestions, bug detection, and code completion. So they can focus on innovation.

LLM & NLP training

Effectively leverage large language models (LLMs) and natural language processing (NLP) - algorithms that comprehend and generate human language. Empowering you to create AI content and deploy apps like chatbots to deliver great experiences and work more efficiently at scale.

AI governance & security

Establish the policies, standards, and practices you’ll need to use AI responsibly and protect your organization from potential risks. You can realise the benefits of AI safe in the knowledge that the ethics, regulatory compliance, and risk management are covered.

How we deliver

Discover how our approach to delivery will enable to you to build AI solutions that accelerate innovation.

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The AND experience

Learn more about how our unique approach will help you to close your digital skills gap and realise the full benefits of AI. 


AI insights

Read the latest and greatest perspectives from our AI experts, covering everything you need to know about AI & tools.

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Our AI & tools work

Read some of our success stories

We’re proud of our work helping clients to build and implement innovative, AI-powered solutions. 



Want to know more?

Let's build remarkable AI solutions, as well as your AI capabilities